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 Woodvale Tennis Courts




These courts have recently been significantly upgraded for you, allowing free unrestricted access to Woodvale residents and the general public to play tennis. The new pavilion offers ablutions and free BBQ's for users of the facility and courts. As this facility is managed, operated AND CLEANED  by Woodvale vounteers, we ask you to respect the facility take care, use the bins provided and please please clean up your own mess.



The Bike Riding Group



What:    Social bike rides, Leisurly pace, rests & chatter, with a variety of  routes. Rides are  approximately  a 2 hour duration, including coffee breaks & stops.

Where:   TBA                         

When:    TBA

Who:      Contact  TBA




The Woodvale Rural Fire Brigade


What:  Brigade Meetings

Where:  Woodvale Fire Station, Cnr. Rileys Rd & Loddon Valley Hwy.

When:  First Monday of each month, commencing 7:30pm

Who:  Captain, Rod Draper on Tel: 0410198831


The Woodvale Junior Fire Brigade sadly is not currently operating.






The Bendigo (Woodvale) Clay Target Club



What:  The Bendigo Clay Target Club, affiliated to the Victorian and Australian Clay Target Associations. Membership open to men and women. Juniors must be 12 Years of age to hold a “Junior Permit” in order to compete. Gun Club facilities are available for hire. For further information contact the Secretary as indicated below: 







Where: Raywood Road, Woodvale.                      

When:  Shoots are held on 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month. Practice sessions every Tuesday 1400-1800Hrs.

Who:    Mr. Glen Woodhatch, Tel: 0429 401 122. or (03) 5444 4378