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 A letter to the community from the volunteer Woodvale Hall Committee of Management (DELWP)


Dear community of Woodvale

As you may be aware, the seven memorial trees, rose bushes, and named crosses, in front of the hall grounds are in memory of the brave men who served in WW1 and gave up their lives for their country. This memorial avenue is the frontage of our historical school which now serves as our local community hall.

Although the hall and surrounding grounds, (including the memorial avenue) are the property of the Victorian State Government (DELWP), a group of local volunteers operate, manage, clean, and maintain it. The hall is available for hire to aid in the running costs

The hall is utilised for such things as our annual "Bush Market", ANZAC & Remembrance services, Progress Association Meetings and private hirings.

The hall committee, after careful deliberation, based on specialist advice, applied for a government grant to cover the cost of removing and replacing the dead and dying memorial avenue trees, sadly this initial application was not successful.

However a new grand named "Queen Elizebeth Platignum Jubillee Trees" became available which was successful for us and we received the sum of $5,000. Again under specialist advice we have decided that it would be best to install native trees in this location in lieu of those currently in situ, as these will be more conducive to the soil conditions at that location, and more likely to survive the harsh summer temperatures. 

This project and the installation of the native trees for each of our local fallen have now been completed, with a new stainless steel plaque on our small "cenotaph" commemorating the event.

The committee are now via "working bees" are endeavoring to ensure adequate irrigation for the trees to establish themselves over the next year or so. 

