Progress Association
What: The Woodvale Progress Association represents the community and presents local issues to council, in addition to other relevant bodies in an effort to maintain and further the well-being of Woodvale and the community members. Membership is open to all residents. Membership costs comprise of an initial entrance fee of $1, plus an annual subscription of $10 per person.
Membership entitlements include the provision of a unique personalised webmail address eg.
To Join: Simply download the application form and contact our treasurer - details can be found at the bottom of the form...or see "directory"
Where: Meets at the Woodvale Public Hall, Daly’s Road, Woodvale
When: Quarterly on the last Thursday of every 3rd Month (Feb/May/Aug/Nov).
Cost: $10 per annum, entitles member to voting rights, and free unique personalised webmail address...
Who: President : Kerry Errington, Tel: 5446-3992
V/President: Gary Davis, Tel: 5446 7802
Secretary: Brenden Bartlett, Tel: 5446-3221
Treasurer: Andrew Prentis, Tel: 5446-3992 (Memberships)
Website Admin: Gary Davis, Tel: 5446 7802
Our Focus