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Sad Passing of Ken Stent


Sadly Woodvale has recently lost one of it's priciple leaders, and an icon of the community in the death of Ken Stent, husband to Beverly, father to Justin, Marcus and Arron.

Ken was an avid volunteer, leader and member of all the community committees here in Woodvale in addition to a long term member of the local Woodvale Fire Brigade. He was also a Secretary and long term member of the Bendigo Chrysanthimum Club.

Ken will be a sad loss to the community and all those who served with and alongside him. Ken was often referred to in the imaginary honourary position of the "Mayor of Woodvale" a title certainly well deserved!

Ken has lived in the community for many years and was the principle guiding force and leader in the restoration and conversion of the derelect Woodvale school (No 1531) in 1992, into the Public Community Hall it is today. Ken has been the chairperson and president of this hall for decades serving the community.

Ken will be a sad loss to all, may he Rest in Peace.




Ken's funeral will be held at Farmers Funeral Services in Eaglehawk at 1:30 pm, on Tuesday 7th January. All are welcome to farewell this great man.

The  Woodvale Fire Brigade will be providing an "Honour Guard" at the completion of the memorial service.